Seal Stamps
Seal Stamps

Seal Stamps

Originally, seal stamps were given as evidence that a temple or shrine visitor had copied a sutra and stored it within. However, at many shrines and temples, these seal stamps gradually became evidence of only a visit.

These days, seal stamp collection is immensely popular, with an every-growing number of enthusiasts, regardless of age or gender.

It has also become popular for travel agencies to book seal stamp collection tours.

Seal stamps are available to all Tower Daijingu visitors.

In addition to the seal stamps shown above,
limited-time only seal stamps are offered to compliment seasons and events.

A main deck ticket is required
to visit the Tower Daijingu.

Please consider arranging tickets for the main deck (150 m) in advanced, which can be purchased online.
Also please note that the final entry time may be earlier than normal due to the number of visitors.

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